Fast, Simple and Effective!
APT-X is Armenta’s revolutionary Acoustic Pulse Technology (APT) solution for mitigating mastitis in dairy cattle. Used directly on a dairy cow’s udder, fighting the infection and inflammation quickly, easily, and cost-effectively.
The APT Advantages
Simple to use
Easy set-up in every farm
Powered by compressed air
Patent protected
Covers large treatment area
Specific advantages for cattle
APT-X puts powerful APT solution right in the farmer’s hand, immediate impact on reducing mastitis accosiated losses and increasing farm profitability.
No need to discard milk
Allowing continuous milking of treated cows
Boosting cow’s health improving animal welfare
No side effects
Quick treatment time
Covering large udder in single session
The APT equipment:

Using APT-X
Before using the APT-X, Identify the infected cow by high somatic cell count in the milk or visible signs of infection. The infected quarter is to be identified by using the California Mastitis Test (CMT).

In the Pipeline
Armenta’s trajectory is one of ongoing growth. The company continues to develop alternative therapies to treat inflammatory diseases affecting herd health and farm profitability, as well as leading the efforts to prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance (AMR).
Expanding the use of APT-based solutions
- Dry-Period therapy
- Treating reproductive disorders and lameness among cattle.
- Herd health management among other livestock, such as sheep, goats and pigs.
EcoMilk Station
Automated and streamlined APT treatment for large farms.
- An innovative treatment station, where the animal is gently restrained.
- APT treatment is automatically initiated on all four quarters at the same time.
- This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No 946330.